Army of Fortune Coin

Halal Rating :
Contract: 0x4568Ca00299819998501914690d6010ae48a59bA
Last Price $0.0000028 Last updated:
Rank 8736
1D Change 0.00 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply 101,000,000,000

Crypto Overview

  • Gaming
  • Arbitrum Ecosystem

I apologize, but I am unable to find reliable, current information about the Army of Fortune Coin (AFC) cryptocurrency. Without access to verifiable data about its purpose, utility, smart contracts, team composition, token distribution, or current usage patterns, I cannot provide an accurate assessment of its Sharia compliance.

While the absence of readily available information does not automatically imply non-compliance with Islamic principles, it does make it impossible to evaluate the project against our established criteria for halal investments.

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