Goerli ETH

Halal Rating :
Contract: 0xdd69db25f6d620a7bad3023c5d32761d353d3de9
Last Price $0.0048 Last updated:
Rank 8306
1D Change 1.02 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply None

Crypto Overview

  • Ethereum Ecosystem

Purpose and Utility

Goerli ETH (GETH) is a testnet cryptocurrency used specifically for testing Ethereum applications and smart contracts before deploying them to the Ethereum mainnet. It serves as a development and testing environment, allowing developers to experiment with their decentralized applications without using real ETH.

Business Model Analysis

The business model is straightforward and transparent: GETH has no monetary value and is freely available through faucets. Its sole purpose is to facilitate development and testing on the Ethereum network. This aligns with halal principles as it provides genuine utility in software development and testing.

Real-World Adoption

Goerli is widely used by Ethereum developers and is one of the primary testnets for Ethereum development. It has seen significant adoption among development teams, educational institutions, and blockchain companies for testing purposes.

Platform Development

The Goerli testnet is actively maintained by the Ethereum development community. It regularly receives updates and improvements to match the functionality of the Ethereum mainnet, particularly in preparation for major network upgrades.

Token Distribution

GETH is not designed to have monetary value and is freely distributed through faucets. There are no concerns about founder enrichment as the tokens have no real-world value and cannot be sold for profit.

Rating Justification

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