Jupiter Perps LP

Halal Rating :
Contract: 27G8MtK7VtTcCHkpASjSDdkWWYfoqT6ggEuKidVJidD4
Last Price $3.9 Last updated:
Rank 3170
1D Change -2.47 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply None

Crypto Overview

  • DEX
  • Solana Ecosystem

Purpose and Utility

Jupiter Perps LP (JLP) is a token that represents liquidity provider positions in Jupiter's perpetual futures trading protocol on the Solana blockchain. The token is designed to allow users to provide liquidity to perpetual futures markets and earn fees from trading activity.

Business Model

The token's primary utility is to facilitate leveraged perpetual futures trading, which is essentially a form of margin trading where users can take leveraged long or short positions without an expiry date. This model inherently involves interest-bearing components (funding rates) and zero-sum trading outcomes where one trader's gain is another's loss.

Real-World Adoption

Jupiter's perpetual futures protocol has gained significant adoption within the Solana ecosystem, with substantial trading volumes and liquidity. The platform has attracted users primarily for speculative trading purposes.

Platform Development

The protocol demonstrates active development and maintenance, with regular updates and improvements to the trading infrastructure. The team has shown commitment to building and maintaining the platform.

Rating Justification

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