
Halal Rating :
Contract: 0x2Ebd53d035150f328bd754D6DC66B99B0eDB89aa
Last Price $0.16 Last updated:
Rank 3849
1D Change -12.51 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply None

Crypto Overview

  • Platform
  • DeFi
  • Payments
  • Ethereum Ecosystem


Metronome was launched in 2018 as a cryptocurrency designed to be a 'cross-blockchain cryptocurrency' with the ability to move between different blockchain platforms while maintaining price stability through unique economic mechanisms.

Purpose and Utility

The intended purpose of Metronome was to serve as a store of value and medium of exchange that could operate across multiple blockchains. Key features included self-governance, reliability, and portability across different blockchain platforms. The token was designed with an autonomous price adjustment mechanism and cross-chain capability.

Current Status

As of 2024, Metronome has faced significant challenges in achieving its intended utility. The project's development appears to have slowed considerably, with limited recent updates or improvements to the platform. The cross-chain functionality, while technically implemented, has seen minimal real-world adoption.

Platform Activity

The ecosystem shows very low development activity in recent months. While the basic token functionality remains operational on Ethereum, the broader vision of cross-chain operations and advanced features has not materialized as initially planned.

Token Distribution and Governance

The token distribution included an initial auction system designed to be fair and transparent. The project implemented automated supply adjustments through its 'Daily Supply Lot' mechanism, which was intended to provide price stability.

Revenue Model

The project's revenue model is based on standard cryptocurrency trading and transfer mechanisms, without any interest-bearing components or lending features that would raise Islamic finance concerns.

Rating Justification

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