Mochi (New)

Halal Rating :
Contract: 0xf6e932ca12afa26665dc4dde7e27be02a7c02e50
Last Price $0.000015 Last updated:
Rank 922
1D Change -14.33 %
Market Cap $14.4m
Circulating supply 937,630,000,000
Maximum supply 1,000,000,000,000

Crypto Overview

  • Memes
  • Base Ecosystem
  • Cat-Themed
  • IP Memes


Unable to determine comprehensive information about Mochi (New) token's purpose, utility, or business model due to limited publicly available information. The project appears to be relatively new or has minimal documentation accessible.

Available Information

Despite research efforts across various cryptocurrency data aggregators, official channels, and blockchain explorers, insufficient reliable data was found to conduct a thorough analysis of:

  1. Project's stated purpose and actual utility
  2. Token distribution metrics
  3. Development activity
  4. Real-world adoption rates
  5. Founder information
  6. Technical documentation


Without access to verifiable information about the token's fundamentals, use cases, and operational model, a proper Sharia compliance assessment cannot be completed at this time.

Rating Justification

Member Vote

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