
Halal Rating :
Contract: 0x968f6f898a6df937fc1859b323ac2f14643e3fed
Last Price $0.023 Last updated:
Rank 1474
1D Change -4.12 %
Market Cap $3.39m
Circulating supply 150,400,834
Maximum supply None

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Unable to provide a detailed assessment as there appears to be no verifiable information about a cryptocurrency called Numerico with the ticker NWC. While conducting research, no reliable sources, official documentation, or verified blockchain records were found for this specific cryptocurrency.

This could mean either the project is extremely new, operates under a different name/ticker, or the information provided may be incorrect. Without access to verifiable information about the project's purpose, business model, token distribution, and actual usage, a proper Sharia compliance evaluation cannot be conducted.

For a proper Sharia compliance assessment, we would need:

  1. Official project documentation
  2. Verified blockchain records
  3. Token distribution data
  4. Use case verification
  5. Development activity records
  6. Adoption metrics
  7. Team information

Rating Justification

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