
Halal Rating :
Contract: 0x0affa06e7fbe5bc9a764c979aa66e8256a631f02
Last Price $0.4 Last updated:
Rank 6535
1D Change -10.09 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply None

Crypto Overview

  • Asset Management
  • Ethereum Ecosystem

Project Overview

Polybius was launched in 2017 as a project aimed at creating a regulated digital bank that would combine features of traditional banking with modern technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and digital identity management. The PLBT token was designed to represent ownership rights in the Polybius project and provide holders with a share of the company's profits.

Current Status

Based on the most recent available information, the Polybius project appears to be inactive. The official website is no longer operational, and there has been no significant development activity or community engagement for an extended period. The token's trading volume is minimal, and there are no signs of the promised banking platform being developed or implemented.

Utility Analysis

The intended utility of PLBT was to serve as a profit-sharing token for the Polybius digital bank. However, since the banking platform was never fully developed or launched, the token currently has no practical utility. There is no evidence of any real-world adoption or usage of the platform or token for its intended purpose.

Business Model Evaluation

While the original business model of creating a regulated digital bank was theoretically compliant with Islamic principles, the project's failure to deliver on its promises and current inactive status raises significant concerns.

Rating Justification

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