
Halal Rating :
Contract: 0xE04FA109051Aec310eD6a49E5d94a0272b3aB086
Last Price $0.000019 Last updated:
Rank 8530
1D Change 7.68 %
Market Cap -
Circulating supply 0
Maximum supply 21,000,000

Crypto Overview

  • Memes
  • Fantom Ecosystem

Purpose and Utility

SpankChain was developed as a payment solution and platform specifically for the adult entertainment industry. The SPANK token is designed to facilitate payments between adult content creators and consumers.

Business Model Analysis

The project's core business model revolves around adult entertainment content and services, which are considered haram activities in Islamic finance. The platform's primary use case is fundamentally tied to activities that are not permissible under Shariah law.

Real-World Adoption

The platform has seen limited adoption within its intended market. However, the adoption metrics are not relevant for our Shariah compliance analysis since the fundamental business model involves impermissible activities.

Platform Development

While the project has developed payment solutions and smart contracts, the technological achievements do not override the fundamental compliance issues with the nature of the business.

Token Distribution and Governance

The token distribution metrics and governance structure, while potentially relevant for investment analysis, are secondary to the primary Shariah compliance concerns regarding the business model.

Rating Justification

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