Griffon Corp.

Halal Rating :
Last Price $78.0
Market Cap $3.62b
1D Change

0.0 %

1 Year Change

33.9 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

Griffon Corporation provides consumer and professional and home and building products. Its Consumer and Professional Products segment manufactures and markets long-handled tools and landscaping products for homeowners and professionals. Its Home & Building Products segment makes and markets residential and commercial garage doors for professional dealers.

Revenue Sources


Based on review of Griffon's business segments and revenue sources through SEC filings and company reports, their revenue comes primarily from legitimate consumer, professional, and building products. No significant revenue is derived from prohibited sources like alcohol, gambling, pork products, or interest-based financial services.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Sept. 30, 2024 $659.67m $573.62m - $25.61m 0.00% 4.47%
June 30, 2024 $647.81m $587.2m - $28.72m 0.00% 4.89%
March 31, 2024 $672.88m $585.58m - $26.15m 0.00% 4.47%
Dec. 31, 2023 $643.15m $584.61m - $25.3m 0.00% 4.33%

Looking at the last four quarters, Griffon's interest expense relative to total expenses has been consistently low. The company's interest expenses are primarily related to operational financing and working capital management rather than interest-based business activities. The interest expense ratios fall within acceptable limits for halal investing purposes.

Operational Ethics


Based on available information from SEC filings and company disclosures, there is no evidence of significant ongoing associations with entities involved in human rights violations. The company's operations are primarily concentrated in North America with some presence in other regions, but no concerning ties to problematic regimes have been identified.

Rating Justification

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