NortonLifeLock Inc.

Halal Rating :
Last Price $27.6
Market Cap $16.58b
1D Change

-0.18 %

1 Year Change

25.19 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

NortonLifeLock Inc. provides cyber safety solutions for consumers worldwide. Norton 360 provides protection for PCs, Macs, and mobile devices against malware, viruses, adware, ransomware, and other online threats. LifeLock identity theft protection solution offers monitoring, alerts, and restoration services to its customers.

Revenue Sources


Based on the company's financial statements and business model, NortonLifeLock generates its revenue primarily from cybersecurity software subscriptions and identity protection services. These core business activities are halal as they provide legitimate products and services that protect consumers' digital assets and personal information.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Dec. 27, 2024 $986.0m $753.0m - $141.0m 0.00% 18.73%
Sept. 27, 2024 $974.0m $721.0m - $149.0m 0.00% 20.67%
June 28, 2024 $965.0m $701.0m - $153.0m 0.00% 21.83%
March 29, 2024 $967.0m $728.0m - $161.0m 0.00% 22.12%

Analysis of the last four quarters shows that interest expenses represent a significant portion of total expenses. The interest expense ratios consistently exceed the 5% threshold, ranging from 19-21% of total expenses across all quarters examined. This indicates that interest plays a material role in the company's financial structure.

Operational Ethics


After reviewing available information from SEC filings and company materials, there is no evidence of significant ongoing associations with entities involved in human rights violations. The company maintains standard global operations but no direct ties to concerning entities have been identified.

Rating Justification

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