
Halal Rating :
Last Price $71.1
Market Cap $34.79b
1D Change

-1.19 %

1 Year Change

-11.73 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

Sysco Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages in the marketing and distribution of various food and related products. The company distributes frozen foods, such as meats, seafood, fully prepared entrées, fruits, vegetables, and desserts; canned and dry foods; fresh meats and seafood; dairy products; beverage products; imported specialties; and fresh produce. It also supplies various non-food items, including paper products, napkins, plates, and cups.

Revenue Sources


Based on Sysco's SEC filings and business operations, the company's primary revenue comes from food distribution services. While they distribute alcoholic beverages as part of their product portfolio, this segment represents less than 2.5% of their total revenue. The vast majority of their revenue comes from halal-permissible food distribution services.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Dec. 28, 2024 $20.15b $19.44b - - 0.00% 0.00%
Sept. 28, 2024 $20.48b $19.68b - - 0.00% 0.00%
June 29, 2024 $20.56b $19.74b - $165.13m 0.00% 0.84%
March 30, 2024 $19.38b $18.82b - $157.85m 0.00% 0.84%

Analyzing the last four quarters: The company's interest expenses relative to total expenses were consistently below the 5% threshold. For the most recent quarter ending September 2024, interest expense was 0%. For the quarter ending June 2024, interest expense was 0.84% of total expenses. For March 2024, it was 0.84%, and for December 2023, it was 0.80%. These percentages demonstrate that interest expense plays a minor role in the company's operations.

Operational Ethics


Based on review of Sysco's operations and public disclosures, there is no evidence of significant ongoing associations with entities involved in human rights violations. While the company has operations in various international markets, there are no documented material ties to the state of Israel or direct involvement with the Chinese Communist Party.

Rating Justification

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