Tyler Technologies

Halal Rating :
Last Price $552
Market Cap $23.8b
1D Change

-1.95 %

1 Year Change

33.78 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

Tyler Technologies, Inc. provides integrated information management solutions and services for the public sector. The company operates in three segments: Enterprise Software; Appraisal and Tax; and NIC. It offers financial management solutions, including modular fund accounting systems for government agencies or not-for-profit entities.

Revenue Sources


Tyler Technologies generates revenue primarily from software licenses, maintenance, and professional services provided to government and public sector entities. These core business activities involve providing legitimate technology solutions and services that create real value for their customers. There is no evidence of revenue from prohibited sources such as gambling, alcohol, tobacco, or other haram activities.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Dec. 31, 2024 $541.13m $470.7m - $1.26m 0.00% 0.27%
Sept. 30, 2024 $543.34m $461.75m - $1.24m 0.00% 0.27%
June 30, 2024 $540.98m $464.19m - $1.25m 0.00% 0.27%
March 31, 2024 $512.36m $447.56m - $2.18m 0.00% 0.49%

Based on the financial data from the last four quarters, interest expense remains consistently low relative to total expenses. Interest expense ranged from approximately $1.2M to $3.7M per quarter, while total expenses were between $436M and $461M per quarter. The interest expense to total expense ratio remains well below the 5% threshold across all quarters.

Operational Ethics


Based on available information from SEC filings and company reports, Tyler Technologies operates primarily in North America with no significant operations or partnerships with entities involved in human rights violations. There is no evidence of material business relationships with the state of Israel or the Chinese Communist Party.

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