United Technologies Corp.

Halal Rating :
Last Price $127
Market Cap $170.45b
1D Change

-0.86 %

1 Year Change

40.79 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

Raytheon Technologies Corporation provides systems and services for the commercial, military, and government customers worldwide. The company operates through four segments: Collins Aerospace Systems, Pratt & Whitney, Ray theon Intelligence & Space, and Ray thelon Missiles & Defense. Collins Aerospace systems offers aerospace and defense products, and aftermarket service solutions for aircraft manufacturers and airlines. The Pratt and Whitney segment supplies aircraft engines for military and commercial customers.

Revenue Sources


Based on the analysis of the company's revenue sources, RTX derives a significant portion of its revenue from military and defense contracts, which includes weapons systems and military equipment. While defense products themselves are not inherently haram when used for legitimate defense purposes, the company's extensive involvement in weapons manufacturing and military systems raises concerns about potential misuse and contribution to conflicts.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Dec. 31, 2024 $21.62b $20.0b - $486.0m 0.00% 2.43%
Sept. 30, 2024 $20.09b $18.56b - $496.0m 0.00% 2.67%
June 30, 2024 $19.72b $19.67b - $475.0m 0.00% 2.42%
March 31, 2024 $19.3b $17.84b - $405.0m 0.00% 2.27%

Based on the financial data provided for the last four quarters, the company's interest expenses have been consistently significant relative to total expenses, ranging from USD 405 million to USD 496 million per quarter. The interest expense to total expense ratios exceed acceptable thresholds for halal compliance across all quarters analyzed.

Operational Ethics


RTX maintains significant ongoing business relationships with both Israel and the Chinese military establishment. The company has active defense contracts with Israel and maintains research and development facilities in Israel. Additionally, the company has documented business ties with Chinese military-affiliated entities.

Rating Justification

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