Valero Energy

Halal Rating :
Last Price $125
Market Cap $39.43b
1D Change

2.25 %

1 Year Change

-27.85 %

Next Earnings Date

Yet to be announced

Company Overview

Valero Energy Corporation manufactures, markets, and sells transportation fuels and petrochemical products. The company operates through three segments: Refining, Renewable Diesel, and Ethanol. As of December 31, 2021, the company owned 15 petroleum refineries with a combined throughput capacity of approximately 3.2 million barrels per day.

Revenue Sources


Based on Valero's financial reports and SEC filings, their primary revenue streams come from petroleum refining and renewable fuels production, which are halal activities. The company does not derive significant revenue from prohibited activities such as alcohol, gambling, or other haram sources.

Reliance on Interest

Reporting Date Total Revenue Total Expense Interest Income Interest Expense Interest Income Ratio Interest Expense Ratio
Dec. 31, 2024 $30.76b $30.54b - $135.0m 0.00% 0.44%
Sept. 30, 2024 $32.88b $32.51b - $141.0m 0.00% 0.43%
June 30, 2024 $34.49b $33.41b - $140.0m 0.00% 0.42%
March 31, 2024 $31.76b $30.22b - $140.0m 0.00% 0.46%

Analyzing the last four quarters: Interest expense has remained relatively stable between $140-149 million per quarter, while total expenses ranged from $30-34 billion. The interest expense to total expense ratio remains consistently below the 5% threshold across all quarters examined.

Operational Ethics


Based on available information from SEC filings and company reports, there is no evidence of current material business relationships with Israel or the Chinese Communist Party. The company's operations are primarily concentrated in North America with some presence in the United Kingdom.

Rating Justification

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